Should Teens See a General or Pediatric Dentist?

when should my child transition from a pediatric to general dentist? Kelowna

Some parents in the Kelowna area bring their children to a pediatric dentist. Others use a general or family dentist for every member of their household.

What’s the difference between a pediatric dentist and a general dentist?

Pediatric dentists have specialized training to treat infants, young children, and adolescents. They use special dental tools created for smaller mouths. Some pediatric dentists have training in child psychology which can help make children feel comfortable during dental treatment.

When should my child transition from a pediatric dentist to a general dentist? Some parents transition their child to a general dentist as soon as all their child’s permanent teeth come in. Other parents have their children see a pediatric dentist until their late teens.

Does your teen feel comfortable at a pediatric dental practice?

Sometimes, when a child hits their early teen years, they feel uncomfortable at a pediatric dental practice. This is especially true if the office is furnished and geared toward toddlers and pre-teens. In this case, the teen may choose the right time to transition.

Above all, it’s critical that your child feels comfortable at the dentist. If your child starts feeling like they are too old to see a pediatric dentist, it’s time to switch to a general dentist.

We understand the oral health needs of your teenager

Remember that the team at Love Your Smile – Dr. Stephen Malfair is willing and able to address adolescent dental needs. We are happy to treat your teenager through their adolescent years.

What dental issues should I be watching for during adolescence?

First off, pay attention to your son or daughter’s nutrition. As children become more independent, they start making more of their own food choices. If you visit any Kelowna-area middle school or high school during lunch, you will notice that some teens drink soda and energy drinks. Most of those teens most likely drank milk during elementary school. Make sure you get enough calcium to keep your teeth strong. Vaping and smoking take a toll on physical and dental health. Unfortunately, they are too common among the teen group in the Kelowna area.

Your dentist is an essential member of your teen’s healthcare team

Your dentist can help you understand how their diet and lifestyle impact their oral health. If your teenager struggles with an eating disorder, a dentist can address any related dental issues. If your teen is undergoing orthodontic treatment, your dentist can monitor their teeth closely during a time when it’s more difficult to keep teeth clean and free of tooth decay

Regardless of when you transition your teen to a general dentist, make sure they see a dentist at least twice a year. Continue to monitor their oral hygiene practices and set a good example. Watch out for destructive habits. Furthermore, make sure they wear a mouthguard when participating in contact sports.

The team at Love Your Smile – Dr. Stephen Malfair has been serving families in the Kelowna area since 2004. We value the relationships we have developed with our patients and their families. If you are looking for an experienced, caring family and general dentist in the Kelowna area, give us a call to schedule a consultation.





301-1890 Cooper Rd
Kelowna, British Columbia
V1Y 8B7

Preventing Gum Disease At Love Your Smile – Dr. Stephen Malfair

Preventing Gum Disease at Love Your Smile - Dr. Stephen Malfair Run your tongue along the gumline behind your lower front teeth. Do you feel a ridge? This is probably tartar or dental calculus.

Even if you brush and floss regularly, plaque and tartar can gradually accumulate. If not removed, these bacteria-breeding substances cause the gums to become irritated and swollen. Eventually, the gums become detached from the tooth, creating a ‘pocket’. This creates a new space for plaque and tartar to grow. In advanced stages of periodontal disease, the toxins created by the bacteria literally rot the gum, teeth and bone.

At Love Your Smile – Dr. Stephen Malfair in Kelowna, we perform the most thorough dental cleanings possible. Gum disease can be reversed in its early stages.

Our goal is to help our Kelowna dental patients prevent gum disease before any damage occurs. Cleanings include root planing and periodontal scaling. Scaling removes the plaque and calculus above and, especially, below the gumline where your toothbrush cannot reach. Planing smoothes root surfaces so it is more difficult for plaque and tartar to accumulate and grow. It also creates a healthy surface for the gums to reattach to the root if necessary.

To schedule a deep cleaning, call 250-860-8900. We are located at 301-1890 Cooper Rd in Kelowna. In addition to providing comprehensive dental cleanings, we create mega-watt smiles for cosmetic dentistry patients in the Mission and V1Y 8B7 area. See for more information about our state-of-the-art dental practice.

Contact Love Your Smile – Dr. Stephen Malfair:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301-1890 Cooper Rd
Kelowna, British Columbia
V1Y 8B7

Are Floss Picks As Good As Regular Dental Floss?

are floss picks as good as regular floss? Mission

Are floss picks as good as regular floss?

Floss picks vs regular floss? While it’s better to floss with a floss pick than to not floss at all, it’s important to note that floss picks can only clean a part of the tooth’s surface. Dr. Malfair recommends traditional floss or dental tape. Here’s why:

A floss pick holds just a small section of floss stretched in a straight line. Looking down, a tooth is shaped somewhat round or oval, with occasional irregularities. A straight segment of floss just doesn’t make sense geometrically because it doesn’t conform to the contours of the tooth as well as traditional floss used correctly. By wrapping the floss completely around the circumference of a tooth, you can more capably clean that critical area around and just below the gumline. And your fingers are much more agile than a piece of plastic.

We have seen patients who are observant floss pick users who developed decay due to a tiny crack the floss pick missed day after day.

Here is a review on correct flossing:

1. Cut a piece of floss about 18 inches long and securely wind each end around your middle fingers.
2. Take hold of the floss with your forefinger and thumb leaving about two inches to work with. Thread the floss between two teeth.
3. Hold the floss firmly against the side of the tooth and move it up and away from the gumline. You want to clean the space between the tooth and gum without pulling more gum tissue away, so it’s vital to scrape up and out of the pocket.
4. Move the floss around the tooth to clean every surface—especially those that your brush can’t reach. You can use a “shoeshine” method if you like. As you use a section of floss, unwind from one hand to access a clean piece. With 18 inches, you should have enough to furnish a clean piece for each tooth. If you run out, that’s okay. Just toss the used piece and cut a new section.
5. Some people find it easier to commence on one end of the upper teeth and clean each gap one by one until they reach the end on the opposite side, and then repeat for the lower arch. Whatever method you select, make sure you clean around every tooth, including the back surfaces of the rear molars.
6. If you have never flossed before, your gums might bleed the first few times. The bleeding may be due to gum inflammation, the beginnings of gum disease. Keep flossing gently and the bleeding usually stops within a week or two.

Contact Love Your Smile – Dr. Stephen Malfair:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301-1890 Cooper Rd
Kelowna, British Columbia
V1Y 8B7

Which Is The Best Toothbrush For British Columbia Residents?

Which Is The Best Toothbrush For British Columbia Residents?

One of the most important tools for maintaining oral hygiene is a toothbrush. However, with so many types of toothbrushes available in the Kelowna British Columbia market, it can be overwhelming to choose the best one for you.

Choosing the best toothbrush can depend on a lot of factors. Our team at Love Your Smile – Dr. Stephen Malfair can help you decide which toothbrush is best for you. In the meantime, let’s take a look at a few different types of toothbrushes and see what they offer…

Manual Toothbrushes

Manual toothbrushes are the most commonly used type of toothbrush in Kelowna British Columbia. They are affordable and easy to use. They come in different sizes, shapes, and bristle types. Manual toothbrushes have a handle that you hold and a head with bristles that you use to clean your teeth.

We’re all familiar with this type of toothbrush. The bristles come in different varieties, including soft, medium, and hard.

Soft-bristled toothbrushes are the most recommended by dentists at Love Your Smile – Dr. Stephen Malfair because they are gentle on the teeth and gums. Hard-bristled toothbrushes, on the other hand, can cause damage to your tooth enamel and gums.

If you have any questions about the bristles on your toothbrush, bring it in to Love Your Smile – Dr. Stephen Malfair and let’s take a look. We may be able to recommend a better option for your teeth.

Electric Toothbrushes

Electric toothbrushes have become increasingly popular around British Columbia in recent years. They typically have a small motor that moves the bristles in a circular or back-and-forth motion to clean your teeth. Some electric toothbrushes come with different modes and settings for different cleaning options.

Electric toothbrushes are a great solution for people who have difficulty using a manual toothbrush or have limited dexterity. They are also more effective at removing plaque and stains compared to manual toothbrushes. However, electric toothbrushes can be more expensive than manual toothbrushes.

Sonic Toothbrushes

Sonic toothbrushes are a type of electric toothbrush that uses high-frequency vibrations to clean the teeth. These vibrations create a sonic wave that helps to dislodge plaque and debris from the teeth and gums. Sonic toothbrushes are more effective at cleaning than manual or electric toothbrushes and can help to whiten the teeth.

Sonic toothbrushes are a good option for people who have heightened sensitivity because they are gentle on the teeth and gums. However, they can be expensive compared to manual or electric toothbrushes.

Which Toothbrush is the Best?

The best toothbrush for you depends on your individual needs and preferences. However, there are some general guidelines that you can follow when choosing a toothbrush:

  • Choose a toothbrush with soft bristles to avoid damaging your teeth and gums.
  • Look for a toothbrush with a small head that can reach all areas of your mouth, including the back teeth.
  • Consider an electric toothbrush if you have difficulty using a manual toothbrush or want a more effective cleaning option.
  • If you opt for an electric toothbrush, choose a model with different modes and settings that suit your sensitivity.

Choosing the right toothbrush is essential for maintaining good oral hygiene. There are different types of toothbrushes available, including manual, electric, and sonic toothbrushes. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages, and the best toothbrush for you depends on your individual needs and preferences.

Whatever type of toothbrush you choose, make sure it has soft bristles and a small head to effectively clean all areas of your mouth. Better yet; make a visit to Love Your Smile – Dr. Stephen Malfair and let’s talk about how best to keep your teeth clean and healthy.

Contact Love Your Smile – Dr. Stephen Malfair:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301-1890 Cooper Rd
Kelowna, British Columbia
V1Y 8B7

You Don’t Have to Live With Bad Breath

bad breath treatment Kelowna

Chronic bad breath can happen to anyone. Even individuals who practice impeccable oral hygiene can suffer from the condition.

Are you struggling with bad breath?

Schedule an examination and deep dental cleaning at Love Your Smile – Dr. Stephen Malfair in Kelowna. Our dental hygienist will get all the plaque and calculus off your teeth. During your examination, Dr. Stephen Malfair will determine whether you have a dental problem that is contributing to your breath.

In addition to inadequate dental hygiene, the following can cause chronic bad breath:

  1. Dry mouth
  2. Digestive issues
  3. Systemic infection
  4. Gum disease
  5. Food particles on tonsils
  6. Bacteria on dentures or a broken crown

At Love Your Smile – Dr. Stephen Malfair, we can help you with this unpleasant condition. Even if you think you brush and floss adequately, here’s a refresher course:

Brush for at least 2 minutes

People who have no idea how long they brush can set a timer (there is probably one on your smartphone). When you are finished with your teeth, don’t forget your tongue!

Floss carefully

Then take the time to carefully floss around each tooth to wipe away the plaque between your teeth and keep your gums healthy.

Some extra-careful oral hygiene pros brush after each meal to restrict particles of food from sitting on their teeth during the day.

Possible dental causes are: a cavity, a broken crown, or gum disease. If we suspect that your bad breath is linked to a non-dental malady, such as a respiratory infection, you will be referred to an appropriate medical professional.

Treating bad breath starts with a visit to Love Your Smile – Dr. Stephen Malfair. In addition to general dental care, we provide a complete menu of dental services including Cosmetic Dentistry, Teeth Whitening, and Dental Implants.

Contact Love Your Smile – Dr. Stephen Malfair:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301-1890 Cooper Rd
Kelowna, British Columbia
V1Y 8B7

Afraid of the Dentist? 5 Ways to Reduce Dental Anxiety

dental anxiety treatment Kelowna

Talk to your dentist

There’s something about having knowledge on anything unknown that makes us feel less afraid or at least more self-assured handling the unknown. If you consider dentistry an unknown topic, maybe you can educate yourself by asking your dentist lots of questions. Find a dentist willing to listen to your fearful thoughts and concerns so they can better assure you there isn’t much to worry about. Usually when we talk about our fears someone with more information can help by reducing our anxiety. They may even eliminate it completely by showing our thoughts to be entirely irrational.


Studies show how incorporating a 10-minute meditation routine can increase our overall feeling of wellness considerably. Think of meditation as a way for you to focus on the present moment and be comfortable with a subtle feeling of relaxation. This will provide a sense of peace we don’t always experience in our day-to-day lives. Ask yourself, “When was the last time I dedicated time to concentrate on the present moment and simply watch life pass, instead of trying to control everything.” With meditation, we can tune in to our natural way of being and more easily distinguish the difference between a real-life threat or an anxious thought.

Bring a friend or family member to your appointments

Sometimes modifying your environment in a way that’s more familiar will reduce anxiety. A great way of doing this is to bring someone familiar to your dental appointments who can offer emotional support. This could be a close friend or family member who understands how you feel. You should bring someone who is prepared to talk you out of negative thinking patterns. Your companion ideally will comprehend they are there for you and that this isn’t so much about the two of you hanging out socializing. Make sure they are up to the challenge!

Practice good oral hygiene

By having superb oral hygiene you can feel more confident about your next visit to the dentist. With excellent dental care you can go into the dentist with a lower chance of having a root canal or being diagnosed with gingivitis, the onset to periodontal disease. See why these conditions may worsen your nervousness? If you were diagnosed with gingivitis, your mind would have logical reasons for feeling anxious which is not what we want. However, if you’ve been doing the regular brushing and flossing as recommended then there isn’t as much to worry about.

Seek out a therapist

Are you feeling anxious all the time or just while at the dentist? Seeking out a therapist may help with dental anxiety. Your therapist may advise adjusting your daily routine to help fight both dental anxiety and any anxiety from day to day life. Or, your dentist may suggest specific techniques to focus on while at the dentist. The 3-2-1 technique involves naming 3 things you can hear, followed by 3 you can see and lastly, things you can feel. Then you reduce the numbers to 2, then 1. This is a valuable exercise you can do while in a dentist’s office or anywhere you may feel anxious.

Contact Love Your Smile – Dr. Stephen Malfair:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301-1890 Cooper Rd
Kelowna, British Columbia
V1Y 8B7

The Link Between Gum Disease and Viral Infections

gum disease and COVID-19 risks Kelowna

The pandemic has increased public awareness of the danger of viruses and the importance of a strong immune system. We at Love Your Smile in Kelowna can help you understand the link between viruses and gum disease

Our Immune System Protects Against Serious Illness

The variation in the severity of COVID-19 illness is due, in part, to the strength of natural biological defenses.

Of course, you may be wondering why we’re discussing this in a dental blog. Does it have anything to do with dental health?

Actually, it does. Scientists have found a link between oral bacteria and viral infections.

Gum Disease is Caused by Bacteria

The oral bacteria in question is Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis for short). The “gingivalis” in its name gives you a clue to what type of bacteria it is. As you may have anticipated, P. gingivalis is the bacteria that causes gingivitis and the more advanced form of gum disease called periodontitis.

Your Mouth Produces Natural Viral Protection

Interferon lambdas are a family of proteins created by cells in the mouth. These proteins protect us from all types of bacterial and viral infections in addition to the coronavirus. The danger of P. gingivalis is that it makes Interferon lambdas less effective at protecting us.

This is how one of the researchers explained it:

“Our studies identified certain pathogenic bacterial species, P. gingivalis, which cause periodontal disease, can completely suppress interferon production and severely enhance susceptibility to viral infection. These resident oral plaque bacteria play a key role in regulating antiviral responses.” Juhi Bagaitkar, assistant professor, University of Louisville Department of Oral Immunology and Infectious Disease.

Oral Health and Physical Health Go Hand in Hand

As if you needed one more reason to prevent gum disease! Not only does gum disease put you tooth loss, it makes you more susceptible to the potential dangers of viruses. To recap: if you avoid gum disease, you protect your mouth from P. gingivalis. This lets you benefit from Interferon lambdas and the virus protection they provide.

Let’s discuss basic oral hygiene practices that can prevent periodontitis and keep your smile healthy:

  • Brush at least twice daily using appropriate brushing techniques
  • Use a fluoride toothpaste
  • Floss daily using the correct flossing method
  • Get a professional dental cleaning twice a year
  • Schedule twice-yearly dental exams
  • Take care of dental dilemmas in their early stages so they don’t progress

Has it been a while since you’ve had a dental exam and cleaning? We serve patients in the Mission, V1Y 8B7, and V1W 3C6 area. Our friendly team of dental professionals is here for and your family. We at Love Your Smile in Kelowna can serve all of your dental needs. Schedule an appointment today.

Contact Love Your Smile – Dr. Stephen Malfair:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301-1890 Cooper Rd
Kelowna, British Columbia
V1Y 8B7

A Beautiful Smile is Timeless

Your Smile Doesn’t Have to Show Your Age in Kelowna

At Love Your Smile in Kelowna we know that every stage of life has its pros and cons. For example, in our golden years, we may enjoy traveling, more free time and grandchildren. However, most  retirees do not welcome wrinkles, limited mobility or dental problems.

Fortunately, your smile can be healthy and pleasing throughout your life. With cosmetic and restorative dentistry, you can have a youthful smile at any age.

Regain Your Youthful Smile

Even if your teeth are showing visible signs of wear, we can help. Do you have any of the following concerns?

  • Enamel loss
  • Staining
  • Chips
  • Missing teeth
  • Broken dental work
  • Gum recession
  • Old amalgam fillings

At Love Your Smile in Kelowna, we serve you with a full array of dental services including dental implants sleep apnea, and cosmetic dentistry.

Could Your Smile Benefit From Adult Braces?

Would you like to straighten your teeth? Modern braces can correct all types of tooth alignment dilemmas. Overbite? Gap between your two front teeth? Crowded teeth?

Now, individuals of any age can have an extraordinary smile that looks as young as they feel. Let’s discuss some orthodontic options.


Invisalign uses clear aligners instead of metal or ceramic brackets. With Invisalign aligners, you switch aligners every couple of weeks as your teeth gently shift into place.

How can straightening teeth improve your life?

We all know that a an attractive smile improves one’s appearance. Everyone wants to look better. However, the benefits aren’t purely aesthetic.

  • Straight teeth can prohibit decay
  • If teeth are aligned properly, you are less likely to snore
  • Decreases the risk of periodontitis (advanced gum disease),
  • Straightening teeth can help you eat a healthier diet

Regardless of your age, it is not too late to enhance your smile–even if you have some missing teeth. Braces combined with tooth implants can transform a smile.

If you haven’t seen a dentist in a while, you will be interested to learn about the latest cosmetic dentistry treatments. Many procedures can be completed in one visit with us at Love Your Smile in Kelowna. We serve patients in Mission, V1Y 8B7, and V1W 3C6 seeking all kinds of services, including restorative dentistry and sedation dentistry. Contact us for an appointment today.

Contact Love Your Smile – Dr. Stephen Malfair:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301-1890 Cooper Rd
Kelowna, British Columbia
V1Y 8B7

Why Sports Drinks Put Teeth At Risk

Kelowna Dental Financing

This post from Love Your Smile in Kelowna looks at the risks posed by those ubiquitous sports drinks. Many health-conscious people drink them regularly for hydration during workouts.

While it’s true that they help maintain electrolyte levels in the body – and pose fewer health risks than energy drinks – their acidity can erode tooth enamel. And when tooth enamel erodes, those pearly whites are more staining, discolouration, and decay.

Nobody wants darkened teeth, so next time you’re at the gym, try substituting water for sports drinks.

If you have already noticed staining or tooth discolouration and would like to do something about it, consider professional teeth whitening. We offer Zoom!® whitening, which can brighten your smile in a single office visit.

At Love Your Smile in Kelowna we have brightened countless smiles with teeth whitening. People from Mission, V1Y 8B7, and V1W 3C6 also come to us for cosmetic dentistry and dental implants. Contact us today!

Contact Love Your Smile – Dr. Stephen Malfair:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301-1890 Cooper Rd
Kelowna, British Columbia
V1Y 8B7

ArticleID 4797

Dental Checkup: How Often?

General Dentist in Kelowna, BC

When is the last time you had a dental checkup? At Love Your Smile in Kelowna, we recommend you have one every six months. If you have a higher risk for oral diseases, we recommend every four months.

Know The Risk Factors For Oral Problems

Most people are in a medium-to-low risk category for dental problems. However, if you use tobacco or alcohol, eat a lot of sugar, have an eating disorder, don’t brush and floss twice a day, or experience medical conditions that affect your mouth, you are likely in a higher risk category.

Dentists analyze many factors to determine the status of your oral health. We want you to have the healthiest teeth possible so you can enjoy a beautiful smile for life. The philosophy ‘”Ignore it and it will go away,” does not apply to a dental health problem.

At Love Your Smile in Kelowna, we believe that a healthy mouth is a happy one. People from Mission, V1Y 8B7, and V1W 3C6 come to our office for general and restorative dentistry. Contact us today!

Contact Love Your Smile – Dr. Stephen Malfair:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301-1890 Cooper Rd
Kelowna, British Columbia
V1Y 8B7

ArticleID 16